Mukund Krishna presents THE DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION JOURNEY at TiE’s Coffee Pe Charcha

Digital Transfomration

Mukund Krishna was invited to speak at TiE’s Coffee Pe Charcha (CPC) session on May 11, 2017. CPC are informative sessions where the speaker expands on a current theme or trend in the business world. This was the 14th in the CPC series and the venue was at Holiday Inn, Kochi.

With around 40 participants at the CXO level, mainly from the IT/Software/Digital industry, the talk moved quickly from personal background to a detailed what/when/how/whys of Digital Transformation. He discussed key marketing trends – Inbound marketing, Mobile Rising, Ubiquitous Advocacy and the Digital avatar. He deciphered the concept of internet persona, importance and responsibility of social presence, and the transition all businesses are likely to undergo as part of digital transformation. He ran us through examples of some of the digital transformation work Suyati has done across industries.

Feedback from the session:

Mukund has a rare quality of a presenter who pre-empts doubts and literarily provided a bibliography of complicated terms – similar to a ‘Digital transformation for dummies’! He helped populate a lot of white spaces in our mind and I emerged ‘smarter’ after the session! Today we saw a teacher toss up concepts, and make sure we understood in a manner that is long-forgotten – learning together, learning with fun and learning with exemplary illustrations! – Rajesh Nair, Director, Markets at Ernst & Young and Official TiE Kerala Scribe!

Mukund’s presentations focus on digital transformation, content marketing, global and Indian digital trends, life skills for technical success, and charting the perfect career path to the top of the corporate ladder. He has presented at universities, colleges, business conferences and networking sessions across the country.

Translated as reported by Dhanam Online Business Magazine- 2017 June 15 Issue

Accelerate your thoughts to achieve success in Digital Transformation
An open discussion on the entrepreneurial experiences and lessons learned- Mukund @ Coffee Pe Charcha event organized by Tie Kerala

An early bird, Mukund is one-of-a-kind entrepreneur who has exploited the emerging possibilities of digital technologies in Kerala, before most of them even dared. His entrepreneurship venture Suyati Technologies is a fast growing Digital Transformations Solutions Company located at Infopark, Kochi that provides digital transformation solutions to forward-looking businesses across the globe.

The Coffee Pe Charcha event organized by TiE Kerala at Holiday Inn, Kochi on 11th May 2017, had Mukund narrating his splendid and eventful journey as an entrepreneur. Prior to ending his note, he also remembered to encourage the enthusiastic to-be entrepreneurs with some key tips.

How an aspiring entrepreneur should think today?

  • Technology enjoys only a secondary role in the growth of a company, while the primary focus should be on building incredible experiences for your employees, customers, and partners. “People may forget what you’ve done, but they will never forget how you made them feel”, says Mukund.
  • Your customer’s opinion values the most, no matter whichever industry/ business you are into. Digital marketing has grown exponentially, and the way your customers select your brand is undergoing a sea change. Develop a unique strategy that stands the test of the time, to acquire and retain your customers.

On his initial days of entrepreneurship:

  • “I turned into an entrepreneur to support my team. Even while the company was facing a financial crisis, I made sure that my bank account had enough funds to afford my employees for another 6 months. I owe my team a lot, they are the reason behind my success”, says Mukund.
  • “Always stay up-to-date and learn new things, as they come”, urges Mukund to youngsters. Mukund also said that he realized the growing value of digital technologies when he attended various seminars held by experienced industry icons and business figures. “That’s when I started focusing on identifying more business possibilities with digital.”

Considerations for Start-up ventures:

Having an idea isn’t enough for a start-up. It’s significant to know if the proposed business will effectively address the customer pain points. “It’s an age of change and the change happens around us even before we realize it.” We must have the right skillsets to accelerate our thoughts to embrace digital. We are living in an era of smartphones, and it’s our duty to ensure that our company’s promotional strategy allots the foremost rank to being “mobile-friendly.”

Want to invite Mukund Krishna to present at your event? Connect with him at
